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Sep 8, 2022Liked by Curated Notes

I enjoyed reading the learnings. Especially the spiced-up-part with your way of dealing with grey days.

Here’s my list:

- wiggeling or shaking

- just breath

- embrace slowlyness

The list ist not complete and changes a lot over the years, but it’s there.

Wiggle and shaking? Well … have you noticed what dogs do, even when they are not wet from rain? Correct. They shake.

They shake when getting up or when going outside. When they where nervous or when they just feel like it.

Unfortunately we don’t have this shake-it automatic, but I promise you. It is awesome.

It relieves stress immediately. It’s awkward… which makes it fun and changes situations.

I have to admit, that I only do that in private ; )

- just breathe? Well I am a big fan of „the iceman“ Wim Hof.

- embrace slowlyness? Silence and slow things don’t get much of attention these days. I Never really meditated, So I at least try to do embrace it when the time is right there. So sometimes I just don’t try to Cheer up and jump around when it’s a grey day, but concentrate on it calmly instead. I even use a „mantra“ from my Dad that goes „die Gedanken kommen …. Einatmen…. Und vergehen .. ausatmen“. That even connects perfectly with the breathing.

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